#1 Light is Everything!
The most important aspect of photography before angles and poses is LIGHT! Image you close your eyes? What do you see? Nothing! Exactly! Photography literally means drawing with light! So how does that help you? First, understand there are two main types of light. Harsh light and soft light. If you are shooting outdoors and the sun is burning your skin off. That is a clear indicator the light is too harsh and it doesn’t matter how beautiful you are. The picture will not turn out amazing. Pro tip. Shoot in the shade.
#2 Practice head tilt.
Tilt your head instead of shooting straight. Practice shooting looking straight at the camera, practice tilting your head to the left, practice tilting your head to the right. I promise you will instantly see a difference and depending on which side looks better to you will be your perfect angle.
Disclaimer* Shoot from below if you want double chin
#3 Edit Photos
Every great photo has been edited. It’s an essential step. Even a simple technique such as applying a filter can make a photo look amazing which is why instagram became so popular in the early 2000s. Try Facetune, Snapseed, or use the generic filters that come with your phone when you edit.
Pro Tip* Cropping your photo and adding a filter is the quickest fix if your on a time crunch.